I have few photos of Simo, as he was taken away from me by making me sign a paper saying, I thought, that Eero had control of the children while Sylvia Lastenkoti was sending me to Switzerland to attend a course in pedagogy. They said the law in Finland was that I needed to sign this as in an emergency the children would have suffered. As, to my distress, I found out on my return, the paper didn't say that, it stated that Eero was seeking a divorce and that I gave up all my rights to the Kuoppamäkis. I was put out of the house--this is mid winter--but thankfully, Iikka and Irja Kuoppamäki took me in. I also found out that I was pregnant with our third child, and knowing that after her birth they would take her, I made the desision to have a late abortion, done by Dr. Heikki Tarjanne.