Although I no longer live there and Eero has gone
on into the spirit world, life continues and the faces have changed, but
the somber moods seem to remain. Honestly I am so glad to be free of
those clan chains, I blame the weak links for causing such pain and
suffering to me and for causing the early death of Eero and not having
my grandchildren of our son Pauli know him.

Eero and I met several times after our divorce and Eero told me how he regretted
his behavior and how sad he was over what his father and uncle
Teuvo had done to me. The last time we met he said his greatest regret
in life was giving me up. I agree with him, but he allowed others to
make the choices for him. For me, the greatest mistake he made was
selling Apusmun to give the money to Kauko for the SK sauna business. My
dearest sweet Eero, may you be sailing through the heavens of the

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